Dr. Kathleen Chara, PH.d RPT-S, LPCC, PACC

Dr. Kathleen Chara, PH.d RPT-S, LPCC, PACC profile picture

Heart to Heart Chd and Family Counseling, Inc.

127 County Rd C.
Little Canada, MN 55117

E: drkathleen@hearttoheartfamilycounseling.com
P: 612-800-8301

Heart to Heart Child and Family Center for Counseling, LLC is unlike any other clinic, because we offer a specialty team for families that meets the needs of each individual within the family unit. Our passion is to strengthen families to achieve their highest potential. With great professionalism, care, and experience, Dr. Kathleen and her team will work tirelessly for you and your family. As a parent and a professional, Dr. Kathleen and her team brings a heart for the success of every family to her work.


Practice Area: Private/Independent Clinical Mental Health Practice
Licensure: LPCC
Region: Twin Cities - Metro
Population: Children, Adolescents, Adults
Type of Therapy/Service: Attachment Based Family Therapy, Attachment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Consulting, Family Therapy, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, Parent Infant Psychotherapy, Play Therapy, Post-Adoption Counseling, Post-Adoption Education and Support, Post-Adoption Transition Support, Resource and Referrals, Sand Tray Therapy, Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Theraplay, Theraplay Informed, Trauma, Trauma Based Therapy, Other
Specialities: Adoptees/Former Foster, Adoption and Child Welfare History, Adoption Disruptions/Dissolutions, Adoption/Permanency Professionals, Adoption Transitions, Adoptive Parents, Adult Adoptee Resources, Assessment, Attachment Issues, Child Abuse, Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence, Foster Care, Foster Parents/Family, PTSD, Sensory Issues, Sexual Abuse, Support Groups, Trauma, Trauma/Complex Trauma

* "Permanency services" includes reunification, guardianship, & kinship care.

** "Permanency" includes reunification, guardianship, & kinship care. "Neurodevelopmental issues" includes ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, &FASD.