Savannah Longton, BS

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Human Services of Faribault and Martin Counties

115 W 1st St
Fairmont, MN 56031

P: 5072384757

Child Protection Ongoing Case Management as well as the Permanency Worker - Adoptions and Transfers of Physical and Legal Custody

Practice Area: County Child-welfare Setting
Licensure: Other
Region: South West
Population: Children
Type of Therapy/Service: Child Services Case Management (County or Tribal), Permanency Services *
Specialities: County/Tribal Services, Permanency **

* "Permanency services" includes reunification, guardianship, & kinship care.

** "Permanency" includes reunification, guardianship, & kinship care. "Neurodevelopmental issues" includes ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, &FASD.