Bettina Keppers, BA

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Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota

1605 Eustis Street
St. Paul, MN 55108

P: 218-529-2289

Bettina Keppers joined LSSMN in July 2007, as an Intercountry Program Consultant while living in Ethiopia. She joined the Intercountry Program team in Minnesota in November 2007, as an Intercountry Program Development Coordinator and now serves as the Africa Program Manager for LSSMN and Children’s Home Society. She received her Certificate from Ghent University, Belgium, in International Child Rights and a Bachelor’s of Arts in Anthropology and Criminology with a focus on international law at the University of Minnesota Duluth. She has lived most of her life in Minnesota, though she has also lived and worked in Ethiopia and the Netherlands. She is a founding board member for an organization supporting children in alternative family care, volunteers for an international organization working to eliminate institutional care settings for children so they may be cared for in a family environment, among other child rights-based work. She and her daughter, adopted from Ethiopia, live in Duluth, Minnesota.

Practice Area: None
Region: North East
Population: Adults
Type of Therapy/Service: Adoption - Adoptive Parent Services, Adoption - Child Placement, Adoption - Home Study, Permanency Services *
Specialities: Permanency **

* "Permanency services" includes reunification, guardianship, & kinship care.

** "Permanency" includes reunification, guardianship, & kinship care. "Neurodevelopmental issues" includes ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, &FASD.