Aimee Klinski, MSW

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Winona County Community Services

202 West Third Street
Winona, MN 55987

P: 507-457-6500

Aimee Klinski, MSW, is the Permanency/Adoption Social Worker for Winona County providing services related to permanency planning and the elements of adoption for children under the guardianship of the State of Minnesota. She works closely with Ongoing Child Protection Case Managers for concurrent permanency planning. Practice includes court involvement, adoption assistance and modifications (Minnesota Assessment of Parenting for Children and Youth — MAPCY), referral for services, Interstate Compact on Placement of Children (ICPC placements), step-parent adoption, and adoption finalizations for children ages 0-17.

Practice Area: None, Public or Tribal Child Welfare
Region: South East
Population: Adults
Type of Therapy/Service: Adoption - Child Placement, Adoption Assistance, Child Services Case Management (County or Tribal), Permanency Services *
Specialities: Adoption and Child Welfare History, County/Tribal Services, Foster Care, Permanency **

* "Permanency services" includes reunification, guardianship, & kinship care.

** "Permanency" includes reunification, guardianship, & kinship care. "Neurodevelopmental issues" includes ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, &FASD.