Jean Storlie, MA/MS, MEd, LPCC

Jean Storlie, MA/MS, MEd, LPCC profile picture

MN Care Partners

3405 Chicago Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55407

P: 651-347-9111

I have worked in the social service system for over 25 years with children and families prior to becoming a licensed clinical counselor. I am very familiar with the child protection and court system. I have attended trainings with the MN Pride Network for LGBTQ population. I have worked with adults and children on the autism spectrum. I spent 10 years working with children and birth, adoptive and foster families in the child protection system. I have knowledge in treating those with drug or alcohol addiction including those who may have been involved in the criminal justice system.

Practice Area: Mental Health, None
Licensure: LPCC
Region: East Central, Twin Cities - Metro
Population: Adults
Type of Therapy/Service: Adoption - Adoptive Parent Services, Adoption - Child Placement, Crisis Intervention/Stabilization, Family Therapy, Permanency Services *, Post-Adoption Counseling, Psychodynamic Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, Trauma Based Therapy
Specialities: Adoption and Child Welfare History, Adoption Disruptions/Dissolutions, Adoption Transitions, Behavior Issues, Child Abuse, Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence, Education/School Issues/Truancy, Foster Care, Mood Disorders, Neurodevelopmental Issues **, Permanency **, PTSD, Sensory Issues, Sexual Abuse, Trauma/Complex Trauma

* "Permanency services" includes reunification, guardianship, & kinship care.

** "Permanency" includes reunification, guardianship, & kinship care. "Neurodevelopmental issues" includes ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, &FASD.