Kelly Pieper, MSW, LICSW

Kelly Pieper, MSW, LICSW profile picture


3333 University Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

P: 612-728-5399 ext. 5416

I am currently employed by Fraser as a Clinical Program Manager. In this role I manage our collaborative early childhood mental health day treatment program at Elizabeth Hall Elementary. I also supervise four early childhood clinicians working in Fraser’s day treatment program. Finally, I carry a small case load of children who are almost exclusively all on the adoption/permanency spectrum.

I have 6 years of experience in providing therapy services to children and their families including individual therapy, family therapy, parent work, and assessment services. I also am trained in Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP), a therapeutic modality that guides work specifically with children who have trauma in their early history. This compliments and informs the work I do with many of the children and families with whom I work.

I completed the PACC program through the UMN in early 2015 and continue to use this training as a guide for working effectively with my clients. I believe that adoption is a lifelong process that occurs both individually and within a larger family system. With this in mind, my approach integrates a broad spectrum of modalities based on the child’s development, age, needs, and presenting concerns. Additionally, it has been my experience that children typically do best with integrating their adoption history into who they are when they have support from family. As such, I typically seek to involve the family in some capacity as well. If you would like more specific information about me or the way in which I practice therapy with an adoption/permanency lens, please feel free to contact me. I’m always happy to answer questions.

Additionally, if I am not available to see new clients, Fraser has a large team of individuals who are also highly training in working within the permanency and adoption spectrum and I am happy to provide additional referrals.

Practice Area: Mental Health, None
Licensure: LICSW
Region: Twin Cities - Metro
Population: Adults
Type of Therapy/Service: Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Consulting, Family Therapy, Play Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Resource and Referrals, Trauma Based Therapy
Specialities: Assessment, Attachment Issues, Behavior Issues, Consultation, Mood Disorders, PTSD, Trauma, Trauma/Complex Trauma

* "Permanency services" includes reunification, guardianship, & kinship care.

** "Permanency" includes reunification, guardianship, & kinship care. "Neurodevelopmental issues" includes ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, &FASD.